Creapure® Branded Creatine

Anyone looking to stock up on the Creapure® branded Creatine, it is on sale now for ~$17 for a 1000g bag.

For comparison, MTS branded Creapure is $13 for 400g.

Shit cures baldness yo, never forget

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As long as it doesn’t cause cancer like BCAAs, I’m good.

Hmmm. News to me. Sarcasm or is there evidence linked to this statement?

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For that answer, one must ask the famous (or infamous) Jerry Ward :man_facepalming:

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Ah - so sarcasm it is! Lol


I think I may have gotten dumber after watching this video. I always trust a guy that uses the F word constantly for my medical advice (thats sarcasm). Classic! I like PPs response in the comments of this vid!

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