Controlled Labs Orange Triad - 270 Tablets for $18.51 at!
Comment from PricePlow
This is a wildly popular multivitamin that includes joint support.
You’ll get 45 to 90 days out of this depending on how you dose it.
- Price Per Unit to get on Deals Page: $0.070 per Tablet
- Price Per Unit to generate email blast: $0.070 per Tablet
Agree or Disagree with this deal? Leave feedback in a comment below!
Never tried it - have always heard great things about it. The only downside I had heard was the size of the capsules/pills themselves
Amazing price. I need to find a 10% code now.
It comes up $23.14 not $18…
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Multivitamins aren’t really something you FEEL, but the quality is great. Effective doses of good forms of vitamins/minerals, CL posted third party tests a long time ago that showed that they consistently meet label claims on OT. It’s great stuff.
Oh I know you don’t feel anything - I just heard that they were quality Multi’s
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Best on the market I got them around $15 Black Friday and always buy a years worth . Use the labels and turn them in for free products , swag and apparel
That’s why I always go hard on CL essentials during big sales you will prob find it cheaper around that time period (BF) and sometimes in a pack with oximega
Thank you. So wait you turn in the labels? (Nice review on CL WhiteFlash on Amazon by the way)
Wish the triad+greens was on sale. $18 price is reflected in cart, let me know if you still need the 10% code
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The price doesn’t reflect for me. I have two with a subtotal of $46.29 not $37.02. Odd
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Nope, you’re right my dude. I think BB changed the way it’s displaying it’s sales prices now and it’s messing up the Priceplow Bot. It’s 20% off $28.93. @Mike BB just created some more work for you lol
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Ahh so it’s not me. $23 is still good, $18 is better. Controlled Labs not on their free shipping list sucks
For an extra 10% - 1E1BMXA
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Done it 3 times now. Always end up getting 2-3 Purple Wraaths and a Green Magnitude. The Duffle Bags are legit AF, and the shirts fit nice.
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Awesome definitely will keep that in mind