One way I have heard caffeine’s effects described is that it has both vasoconstricting as well as vasodilating properties. At rest, the vasoconstriction typically dominates while during a workout, it does tend to be a vasodilator. I thought that was interesting.
OP review plz
I can work that out! I would like to finish it before I give my thoughts, but I’m impressed so far.
Old thread, I know, but did you experience any adverse symptoms when you lowered your caffeine intake that dramatically? I’ve been cold turkey for a couple days, when I previously did around 700mg a day, and I’ve had the worst headache and terrible lethargy.
My advice is to taper a bit, go down to like a bang, then a rock-star or another lower caffeine drink, for the lethergy maybe an adaptogen.
I switched to monster energy drinks for this. which is about half of a Bang. I’d advise getting one dose midday, and letting that be the only caffeine you take all day. For me, I only had one day of withdrawals, and it really wasn’t that hard to taper down.
I know this is old but did the product clump on you?
Not at all, surprising really