The first workout in a long time that I haven’t completed. Probably due to the stress from school cutting into my recovery resources, but I just wasn’t prepared for this, PreCre or no.
Deadlifts, 8 sets of 5 at 70% of an inflated max. My last set, I only got 3.
Tempo squats, 3 seconds down, 1 second pause, 3 seconds up. 3-to-5 sets of 5. Got 2x5 and 1x3.
Core, was supposed to hit supramaximal front rack holds and leg raises. Didn’t do any. Went home after the tempo squats.
The energy was there before the gym, but as I went through the deadlifts, I just burned right the hell out. Didn’t even have the usual couple hours of post-workout energy and motivation like normal.
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This was my first workout after the “hell week” of several practicals in a row (exams are still ongoing by the way, just like one per week now), and boy did I vent some stress. Coincidentally or not, the PreCre hit harder than it has since my first use, the energy and aggression and uh. "Alpha Male"ness.
Squats, 8 sets of 3 at 75% of an inflated max. Trying out a new form adjustment, in a new (and empty) gym that lets me roar during my sets without feeling stupid. And so I did.
Deadlifts. I don’t know what my plan was with these, but what happened is that I went up to 90%-ish and hit a whole mess of singles, I was too beastmode to remember how to count.
Decided to cool down with some nice leg presses at nearly double my squat max for sixes. First time I’ve gone really heavy with leg presses in…ever, normally I do sets of 15 or 20 for the pump. It was a really interesting feeling, I liked it a whole lot.
Like I said before, the aggression in this workout was really there. Stomping into my squat setup, roaring with the last rep before slamming the bar back into the cage, slamming my deadlift singles back into the ground making the walls rattle, it was a really intense training session, and really cathartic regarding my stresses. Would love if every session could be this way, maybe once the semester’s over.
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@Caribou glad exams and everything went well. How much longer do you have to go?
You mentioned something about a product not tasting good, was it the PreCre or the other product?
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7 weeks left in this semester, then another semester and a half, then a semester and a half of clinicals.
It was the combination of the two in one shaker, the flavors didn’t complement at all! 
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Daamn, how much caffeine is that?
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The one he mixed it with, Mega Pre, is caffeine free (thankfully, for the sake of his heart)
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Yeah alright, Mr. DoubleScoopingEdgeOfInsanity 
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My poor ticker probably lost a couple years from that little experiment
I can’t even imagine how horrible I’d feel. A full scoop of that shit had me twisted for an entire day. Never again
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If it helps at all, had someone accidentally double scoop PreCre XS,. still. Wondering how on could do that
looks up at sky “I wonder if they survived?”
Went a while using only “natural” caffeine sources (that is, black coffee, Peruvian light roast, ground myself, and French pressed, mmm), but went back to the bottle yesterday…the shaker bottle. With 1.33 scoops, because if I die it means I don’t have to do my finals.
It hit just like the very first time, especially on the aggression front. I couldn’t get enough. Not enough reps, not enough pump, not enough exhaustion.
I did 8 sets of “heavy” triples on the OHP. Should have been heavy. Flew up though. Even by the 8th set I was barely starting to feel it.
Maxed out on high cable rows, working my posterior shoulder girdle as well, keeping that shoulder happy and healthy. The pump in my lats was unreal, I grabbed onto an overhead bar and lifted my feet up just to get a stretch and my lats were bigger than I’d ever seen them.
Like I said, still wasn’t happy with my pressing, so I decided to do some incline bench, getting progressively heavier. Started with a set of 12, kept adding weight with each set until I failed out on 4 reps.
By this point, the fatigue was setting in, so I finished it off with no-rest supersets of pecdeck/reverse flies that continued until I felt like my pecs were gonna tear off my sternum.
Still felt like I could have done more, but I knew I’d trained sufficiently, and wanted to actually be able to function the next day, so I called it there.