Interesting information here. And credit to Stack3d for pointing out this article.
I read this but I could still not find a realistic use for Bcaas even with this article.
A physiologically-significant increase in the rate of muscle
protein synthesis requires adequate availability of all
amino acid precursors. The source of EAAs for muscle
protein synthesis in the post-absorptive state is the free
intracellular pool. Intracellular free EAAs that are avail-
able for incorporation into protein are derived from
muscle protein breakdown. Under normal conditions
about 70% of EAAs released by muscle protein breakdown
are reincorporated into muscle protein. The efficiency of
reincorporation of EAAs from protein breakdown back
into muscle protein can only be increased to a limited ex-
tent. For this fundamental reason, a dietary supplement of
BCAAs alone cannot support an increased rate of muscle
protein synthesis. The availability of the other EAAs will
rapidly become rate limiting for accelerated protein syn-
thesis. Consistent with this perspective, the few studies in
human subjects have reported decreases, rather than in-
creases, in muscle protein synthesis after intake of
BCAAs. We conclude that dietary BCAA supplements
alone do not promote muscle anabolism.
You are correct!
If Protein intake is met in a 24 hour period is there really a need to utilize either!?
Granted if your meal is low on leucine using an EAA or BCAA can help stimulate MPS to its greatest degree, but in the grand scheme of things if people ate 10-20-30g of more whole food protein or added an extra scoop of whey to hit 1g/lb of protein would they truly be necessary at all?
That is the problem with most EAA/BCAA Studies they don’t factor in total nutrition of someone over a consistent period of time (eating enough protein).
That is what I took from the article and in general…that if you have a Protein shake after then you should be covered (From a supplement perspective - realizing that food would cover you)
And as also stated…BCCA’s ‘alone’ would not do the trick. The argument for EAA’s ‘alone’ seem to be to reduce calories and to reduce the possibility of allergies that can develop from Whey.
See you guy’s are making me much smarter
We all know a protein shake would cover anything. It has a full spectrum of BCAA and EAA
What i am asking is if individual X meets protein intake in the 24 hour period (assume 1g/lb) is there any benefit to BCAA/EAA besides outside of training fasted first thing upon waking or taking with meals that have trace protein sources or do not meet 3g of leucine for an adequate MPS turnover/spike?
So in essence the research conducted by Dr. Wolfe was not independent…he did it to support his formula…?
I understand the conflict of interest, but that doesn’t discount the formula nor the results. Or am I missing something.