Axe & Sledge “Home Made” Meal Replacement Review and Sample Giveaway

Also, hit me with that discount code. If I love it I’ll buy.

Edit: ALSO also, for anyone else who doesn’t really just take someone’s word on something like “trust me, my ratios in this prop blend are good,” the maximum amount of protein sourced from beef based on the label would be about 8 grams, so even if the 1% thing is a lie, you’re still getting at least 40g of protein from quality sources.


I would like to try out the Sweet Potato Pie flavor. I don’t recall ever seeing this as a flavor option before from anyone and it sounds really amazing, especially for a meal replacement option. I really haven’t and currently don’t use meal replacements but for the right one, I could begin to add it into my diet. It would definitely save me some time on food prep too.

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Bumping for a few more entries. I’ll pick some people tomorrow!

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Good luck everyone :muscle:

Would love to try sweet potato pie! Current favorite is MRE, which I see is getting some hate in this thread lol


Well then…Chocolate Brownie. I had MRE in the past

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Following people, please send DM me your mailing address!

Check out the Hydraulic review/giveaway. There will also be one this week for The Grind (EAA) and Farm Fed (grass-fed whey isolate).



Oh sweet thank you sir …long day at work today and this was nice to come home too. Will DM you tonight before bed

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@Matt_Towson Did you send these out?

No rush or anything of the sort, just making sure mine didn’t get lost in transit.


Brownie sounds like something I’d consider trying. Never used a meal replacement only gainers.Their product line looks solid. I’ve never really looked into their stuff til I saw your review today.

oh yeah I forgot all about this. Were these sent out, because I did not receive one? I hope it didn’t get lost in the mail. No worries either way, just curious. Thanks!