Gonna be trying this bad boy out. Stay tuned!
oh nice, is that new?
Its a beta test you had to sign up for it through their social media
did they disclosure the ingredients to you? or did they make you sign a waiver?
They gave ingredients, and total dose weight. Not individual amounts. I’ll find them for you real quick
Nice! Had a fun talk with Jason from them last month. They’re going to be stepping stuff up nicely.
Looking forward to it. They’re a classic brand but unfortunately I feel like they have fallen quite far behind
Hope that green apple is tasty
I’ve supported them for the content that they bring and the experience they give consumers. If the labels could open up and formulas improve I think they can rejoin the race. They have such a cult-like following but information on formulas is so available that young consumers are no longer solely influenced by what product their favorite athlete takes
I don’t care what anyone says - the Animal Snak bars are still my favorite.