Originally published at: Animal Creatine CHEWS: The Best New Way to Take Creatine
We love it when a supplement manufacturer finds a way to improve a mainstay ingredient – something that’s been around forever, and has such well-established bona fides, that the industry takes it for granted and stops looking for ways to make it better. That’s the perfect time to innovate. Animal… …(Read more on the PricePlow Blog)
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Crazy idea, I might get have to snag these out of pure curiosity
Great product!! Could tell a difference after a week or so and a major difference after 3 weeks. More power output and less fatigue during workout
But I would suggest adding a bit more chews and bumping up the price a bit to make it a reasonable choice. However, they are rather convenient, and they taste quite good. With that said, I would like the texture to be improved, perhaps something more akin to a sweet tart candy