Originally published at: https://blog.priceplow.com/muscle-building-supplements/2019-ingredients
Innovation is what truly drives the growth of the supplement industry. While that innovation often comes in the form of marketing, models, and fancy packaging, we’re interested in real innovation – as in the science, research, and ingredients put into our supplements. Looking for something new and next-gen beyond creatine,… …(Read more on the PricePlow Blog)
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Boom! bringing in the new year with some next generation ingredients
Trying out Massac3 at the moment
@Anthony How long have you been running it? Initial thoughts on it?
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Been only 4 days. No noticeable strength or muscle gain, but the Vaso-6 does give some nasty pumps
Gotcha. Yeah i’m a huge fan of Vaso-6 myself
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Is it just me, or does KME kinda sound like ursolic acid?