Three Hot Muscle Building Ingredients to Look For in 2019

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Innovation is what truly drives the growth of the supplement industry. While that innovation often comes in the form of marketing, models, and fancy packaging, we’re interested in real innovation – as in the science, research, and ingredients put into our supplements. Looking for something new and next-gen beyond creatine,… …(Read more on the PricePlow Blog)

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Boom! bringing in the new year with some next generation ingredients

Trying out Massac3 at the moment

@Anthony How long have you been running it? Initial thoughts on it?

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Been only 4 days. No noticeable strength or muscle gain, but the Vaso-6 does give some nasty pumps

Gotcha. Yeah i’m a huge fan of Vaso-6 myself

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Is it just me, or does KME kinda sound like ursolic acid?