SuppNess 2018 Spoils & Reviews

just realize that a great doctor has to do his own research. in med school they teach you what they believe. if you believe that todays pharmaceuticals are the best that is possible then that is sad. stuff that is side effects with one random benefit which is one of the side effects.
the only good medication is the stuff people beieve to be the devil. non-toxic lie saving essential opioids and benzodiazepines. no toxicity, neuroprotective, endless benefits and no problems except the absurd idea that they need to be stopped. who cares about dependance? air and water are evil too now?
oxycodone and clonazepam over nsaids and whatever disgusting antipsychotics and antidepressants which definitely do not help depression as nobody even has an actual proper definition for it. serotonin deficiency? rubbish. ssris make almost everyone worse.
neurosurgery is certainly something impressive but medicine is far behind and some ideas are simply wrong. an organ of someone else simply should not be in ones body and it knows this so doctors disable the body from doing what should happen. organ transplants are a perversion. and cancer, autoimmune diseases etc. are not caught on the subway. instead of killing the body and leaving some lefftovers and calling that success it could simply be prevented. also many times a diagnosis of mental health issues is a physical problem and illnesses like cancer have a huge psycholigical component but nobody wants to hear it.

No one believes this. Stupid statement. That’s like saying “Oh, I have the iPhone X, the best one possible right now. There’s no possible way it can be improved in the future!”
No, doctors recognize the limitations of medicine and practices, but we can only work with what we have. If we could work with what hasn’t been invented, then we’re in the wrong universe, cuz I’m pretty sure effect comes after cause here, and as such, you can’t blame doctors for using current medicine.

When that “one random benefit” is not dying, I feel they’ve done their job. Y’know, that job they have to prevent people from dying. I think death is the worst side effect, so anything else as a side effect isn’t too bad.

Thanks, that’s my career path

I wasn’t aware nature pumped you full of NSAID’s either, but apparently taking them is okay with you, so hypocrisy. Same with just about every other supplement you claim works like a miracle. But hell, those pesky doctors, saving lives and shit. How dare they, using organs from another to save a mother of three. How dare we use modern medicine to prolong our lifespans, despite us doing it for the entirety of our existence.

Darn, wish I knew this last year so I could tell my father that instead of chemo, he just think better, since it’s apparently mostly psychological. Woulda saved us a ton in medical expenses! What are you, a humanistic psychologist?

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i said nsaids are poison.

also my grandparents died of cancer. my grandfather had a very tough life and smoked yet was in great shape until 6 weeks before his death. brain tumor, extremely fast.

the thing is that people who are constantly afraid, avoid all sorts of things in fear of getting something, feel kind of helpless and at lifes mercy seem to get modern days illnesses more often. one of my ex girlfriends i knew would one day get cancer. she just had something about her i cant explain but she was certainly going to get sick young and she did get thyroid cancer.

also why not prevent it? i wont state it can be cured despite there being selective zytostatics that are extremely effective but ensuring optimal cellular function and preventing systemic inflammation from a young age makes illnesses unlikely which are basically metabolic disorders. environmental toxins and such are a problem of course. amusingly the only illness i ever had and have for life is the result of a medication doing damage to the process of rna transcription. poisons etc. can certainly do permanent damage to the dna and such. if someone grows up in nature eating organic foods and takes the supplements that are all occuring in nature and their effects suggest they should be consumed then the risk of health problems will be very, very low. gynostemma being far superior to metformin raises the question why one should take metformin when there is much better? also ampk activation basically prevents diseases just as igf-1 accelerates or facilitates their occurence. stress also causes aging, i see people in their thirties speaking of being old and they do have wrinkles and such and i don’t despite having a lot of physical stress but always stayed calm and made sure to give my body what it needs.

also people who have “miracle healings” basically did stuff that may have been nonsense but they were so optimistic and decided they are going to beat this and that increases the chances of survival compared to someone who resigns and decides being dead already. don’t you agree?

of course many do not have the luck as others do and for example the chance to do what they love where they want. someone who does not get scared, pushed by their social environment to do this, do that but have support and decide that they will do what they love as long as they can. be it building sandcastles or writing a book in a place one always wanted to visit will have a much higher chance for getting well even if they did not expect it.
realistically chemo will harm the body and the chances of being somewhat well for a long time aren’t that high. often its the recurring metastatic cancer that ends all hope. the question is wether a strong immune system may have managed to prevent this when chemo certainly does not leave the body unharmed.
i would not talk anyone out of it. i just would never do something like it myself or have an organ transplant. i would never tell people to stop treatment or not do it. it is none of my business.

i also met a scientist from spain working on selective chemotherapy drugs but they said their funding is so bad that it seems like it works great but the chances it will come to the market are basically non existent.

Great question, I’ll be sure to ask my mechanic how to prevent an issue next time. Oh wait. That’s not what they fix. Doctors are not the CDC.


You think NSAID’s are cancer, you claim to only been sick once in your whole life, and yet you think chemo of all things is amazing. Wow

On a side note I do wish there was allot more attention on preventive care.
Honestly I think reducing healthcare prices and preventing diseases would be a much better use of tax money then universal insurance.

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Completely agree, but him placing the blame of that issue on doctors is where I fault him.

And, always a sucker for better use of tax money, so great point there as well

what? is that american sarcasm? i said none of these things, not even close. how does one interpret statements to twist them around completely?

doctors should know how to treat an illness the best way in case they are considered a specialist. after all, they prescribe the medication. this presupposes a correct diagnosis (someone complaining of depression or fatigue should be sent to an endocrinologist before even considering antidepressants. and ssri can only work when enough methylfolate is present which 70% of people who really need the ssri (or better ssnri) are deficient in. so a psychiatrist should always test this before prescribing, yet i have never heard of this occuring. maybe it is different in the US.

and type 2 diabetes has many more effective options than metformin with no side effects. hypertension in a dangerous range not responding to 3 medications combined was completely normalized within 3 weeks with pterostilbene.

there is a difference between getting some infection in india rewuiring antibiotics and illnesses which develop over time and are disorders of the metabolism. the body consists of food and most illnesses that kill people these days are the result of diet and stress. of course toxins or accidents can’t be prevented sometimes but look at different restaurants and what they serve and look at the people and you can see how bad food makes people look ill. compare a vegetarian organic restaurant and a place serving meat with deep fried stuff on the side and look at their skin.

selective chemotherapy means killing cancer cells while protecting healthy cells. are you aware many substances do this extremely efficiently? so it is strange that their mechanism is not investigated to create analogues more potent and specific to certain types of illnesses so one can be cured without a side effect. no pharmaceutical company funds this and doctors, if they do know anything about it, seem to not speak about it ever.

i have no issues with antibiotics, life saving surgery, end of life care, thyroid hormones for people without a thyroid or any acute relief of suffering. all that is important. but wether one is lifting weights or has 5 chronic illnesses at 50 is not random and people in germany spending 7% of their income on food on average are basically comitting suicide as someone who thinks 150 euros is enough to afford food rather than something that only looks like it is insane.

Wow those two essays are absolutely wonderful, but all you have done is ramble. What the hell exactly is your argument here?


Just tried Hyde NitroX. Loved the Peachy O’s flavor. Never tried a product from PS I haven’t enjoyed. Effects review will come after a few uses

Well I know not if it was Hyde but I got the worst goddamn migraine of my life right after my workout. 4 excedrin and 3 aleve to ease the pain enough to nap it off

Jesus FACK. Keep that up, and your liver will jump ship

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Keeping an “eye” (get it?) out for juandice after that little stunt

So it’s been a few months since this post, but I’m noticing some sites with good price cuts on the Key Lime flavor. Would you spend money on this supp? I like MRE, but haven’t had Key Lime and am indifferent on the flavor.

If you have the time to meal prep and can do so well, and without getting bored of it, I would 110% say NO (as I’m sure @Brawn would agree :wink:). The amount you’re getting for such a high price point, even on sale, is a pretty bad deal. I would only recommend this over other things if:

  1. You absolutely adore the flavor
  2. You really don’t have the time or energy to meal prep or cook “normal” foods
  3. You really have some money to spend that’s burning a hole in your pocket

Totally agree. If you have the money to blow and prefer a shake for a meal replacement, then go for it!

Otherwise, stick to real food! People like me who are ALWAYS hungry, can’t live on liquid meals.