Ok, brief thing on what regulates autophagy, the goal of fasting.
Autophagy is the process of breaking down cells that are damaged or unneeded during periods of not getting any additional energy. This has quite a few health benefits and seems to be a really good way of preventing neuro degenerative diseases and improving insulin sensitivity.
3 things regulate this insulin glucagon and MTOR
Mtor is activated by amino acids in a 2 stage process priming and activation, which is another reason to not use bcaas on their own.
MTOR inhibition is also something that is done to prevent organ rejection(raptamicin being used as an anti-organ rejection drugs after being found in fungi)
MTOR not being active tells your body there is no protein coming in.
Next insulin is released from food, particularly protein and carbs, and having it tells your body you just got new food. You all know about insulin
Finally Glucagon is your body’s hormone for telling the liver to break down glycogen glucose.
This also needs to be low and is lowered when the liver has no glycogen to break down. Exercise and time are the best way to do this.
With this in mind to induce autophagy you need to not have liver glycogen, not have elevated insulin, and not have MTOR activated. So basically being in ketosis without protein.
The other thing to note is that certain organs are resistant to autophagy, like the brain. Meaning longer fast are needed for the benefits.
I have wondered what supplements could help with this. Drug companies are trying to come up with drugs to induce autophagy, until then we are stuck with extended fasting.
Now theoretic supplements I have found are
ACL carnitine loading before hand, which should help with energy and fat metabolism
Apple cider viniger might be helpful as acetic acid inhibits insulin release I think, but it taste awful.
Agmatine might be as it inhibits Mtor in the liver it seems, but might activate it else where. If insulin sensitivity is the goal it might be worth including.
Also HMB should be avoided as it activates MTOR, which will prevent autophagy. Despite what any stupid companies will try to tell you.
This is all at the early theory crafting stages keep in mind
Finally getting rid of the liver glycogen is going to be a really big priority, the faster you get into ketosis the less amino acids your body will have to break down.