Steak & Eggs Diet

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I’m not entirely seeing why. Its looking at a single factor in the diet, not controlling for the rest of the diet, or what its replaced with(in many cases chicken or fish), and its looking at a sensitive variable.

Its relevant if we are talking about the AHA’s dietary guidelines(which is what it was designed to test) but this is about the effects of the steak and eggs diet.

I was just sayin that eating steak every day isn’t the end of the world that some would have you believe

In fact, it may be the start of a world. A swole world!!!

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I agree but the study doesn’t have the controls/design to prove that, only that in terms of cholesterol and blood pressure its not significantly different then what its being replaced with(ie white meats or fish).

Not a fan of any diets that restrict intake of other dietary foods/nutrients. Of course, short term it will work based on calories and heavy carb restrictions but it’s not a long term option.

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It’s not designed for long term. Plus that is why you have the cheat day in there to get your vegetables, carbs. Plus, its recommended to take a fiber supplement daily while on this diet.

I’m not saying it’s the best study in the world, I’m just saying it’s relevant to this thread! BEEF

Yeah I also experienced it, eggs and steak are very good for our health it gives your protein which helps you to repair cells and also help to build the muscles.