New supplement thread

Feeling personally attacked here …
Yeah it’s probably time to let the stim tolerance reset

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yes exactly. Trust me for years, I relied on high stims too, but came to the understanding that they are just a crutch that shouldn’t really be necessary to have a great workout. I have found 100-200mg my sweet spot that will give me enough to not impede on pumps or affect my sleep. That is of course making sure I get adequate sleep 6.5-7.5 hours. Now it’s more of a 30% / 70% ratio of lower stims to having the right mindset. Just enough stims to get me on target and the rest is all proper mindset.


just passing along some insight. just turned 31 and have been using pre’s since jack3d(~10 years?). This is one of those “if I knew then, what I know now” aha moments.


Yeah, I get the gist. I’ve moved to only using 400+ for my heavy leg days. So trying to gradually diminish my amount, generally due to folks like you saying how it’s not worth it.

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Make sure your daily magnesium is good too. I realized my ability to come down and maintain quality sleep wasn’t the same without it.


me me me!!! lol

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oh and i will toss my stats in 6’2" around 235 lbs…product of Uncle Sam!!

Funny isn’t it… we used to scoff when people said “eat right and sleep.” Joke was on all of us…for the most part.


But bro
I can’t take more pills and powders and get results?



I will say - as someone who doesn’t absorb carbs super well, GDAs really are incredible. I guess I could always grow my own banaba leaves and cinnamon sticks. : )

And well - nitrates are awesome, but drinking half a jar of pickle juice will get me to Pump Town too. : )

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dem prices though

Save the 400-600mg daily caffeine intake for when you have kids. You’ll really need it then! They will run circles around you WITHOUT caffeine :slight_smile:

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Here’s to hoping that’s not for at least 7ish years

$50 for 40 servings is not as bad a some others. But a coupon would help.

MRE Bar from Redcon1 Chocolate Chip Cookie dough Coming soon

ETA: 8 Weeks

Vegan Outright Bars

Banana & Peanut Butter

ETA: 4 Weeks

Len & Larry Sandwich Cookies:

Flavors: Vanilla & Oreo Like Chocolate

Plants :-1:t4:

Nothing like 1080 calories for some “Healthy” cookies

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For 1000 Calories I am going to go with this and 1 scoop of whey
Probably has more protein then those cookies too

You’re not supposed to eat the entire package at once bro…right?? :man_shrugging:

Lenny and Larry’s has a distorted view on how people work…lol two cookies…dafuq