Hi-Tech Appeals to Get its Wrongfully-Confiscated DMAA Back


From April? Anything new in there?

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Oh is it? My bad. I didn’t see a date anywhere, and since it came up as recommended I assumed it was new. Dumb phone.

Homie, this is an OLD video

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It’s not like that"natural vegan" has anything worthwhile to say a anyway

Vegan? He’s literally on a carnivore diet at the moment

He’s been experimenting with different diets and vegan was one of them

Exactly, he experimented with vegan, I hardly feel it’s right to deragatorily call him a vegan though if he doesn’t preach it like others do

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I’ll give him credit, he didn’t tell anyone to die of cancer during the 2 weeks he was vegan.


Hey Man, I hope you win

From http://www.ca11.uscourts.gov/oral-argument-recordings

Will be updating some posts and record a video later