Ghost Legend All Out Review

Ghost Legend All Out


Warheads Green Apple – Warheads Green Apple is a flavor that slaps you with sour but also has the sweet, crisp, and tart flavor of an apple that meshes extremely well. For those who have had Warhead Watermelon, you know how Ghost can dial up the sour flavor to help make a flavor pop. An apple in general is a subtle based flavor, but the way Ghost can find the happy medium with the warhead candy-inspired flavor is surreal. This flavor was special when it came out in Legend v1 and Size v1, so I am glad it is making a return to more products on the Ghost line.

The ghost pre-workout is very light and mixes with ease. Upon shaking 5-10 times it is almost fully dissolved. I tried this product with 1-2 scoops in 12-24oz of water, and each time the taste was strong and pure. Even if you do not have a blender ball I don’t see this giving any issues with clumps or floating particles in your shaker cup.

Wednesday, October 5th
12 PM Central
1 PM Eastern


6g Full Yield Citrulline - Pumps, Delay lactic acid buildup
4.52g L-Citrulline
1.48g Citrulline Nitrate
3.2g Beta Alanine – Recovery, Endurance, Performance
2.5g Betaine – Power & Performance
2g L-Tyrosine – Enhance memory, mood, and focus
600mg Alpha GPC (Yield 300mg) – Increase focus and mental clarity
400mg Caffeine
300mg Caffeine Anhydrous -
100mg Caffeine Extended Release (zumXR)
100mg Theobromine – Cognitive Enhancer for Focus, Mood, and Energy
60 mg Bitter Orange Extract (Synephrine)– Improve learning, memory, and thinking
50mg Astragin – Improve uptake of ingredients

Formula Difference from Legend v2:
Ghost Legend v2 (US) vs Ghost All Out
Formula differnce:
Legend v2 β€” All Out
4g L Citrulline ---- 6g L-Citrulline
3.2g Beta Alanine β€” 3.2g Beta Alanine
1.5 Nitrosogine β€” 2.5g Betaine
(Nitrosigine Legend v2, Betaine All-Out)
50mg Senactiv ---- No Senactiv
1g L-Taurine β€” None in All-Out
1g L-Tyrosine – 2g L-Tyrosine
300mg Alpha GPC β€” 600mg Alpha GPC
250mg Caffeine β€” 400mg Caffeine
100mg Theobromine β€” 100mg Theobromine
50mg Astragin β€” 50mg Astragin
1.5mg Rauwolfia β€” 60mg Bitter Orange Extract

What does Legend v2 have over All-Out?
50mg Senactiv
1.5g Nitrosigine
1.5mg Rauwolfia
1g L-Taurine
2 Scoop Serving Size

What does All-Out have over Legend v2?
6g Cit compared to 4g
2.5g Betaine (Power/Performance)
Doubled L-Tyrosine (2g vs 1g)
Doubled Alpha GPC (Nootropic for Cognitive enhancement)
150mg more caffeine
60mg Bitter Orange Extract (Enhance stimulant)
1 Scoop Serving Size

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