Just wanted some feedback on what you guys think of this protein powder?
I was recommended it however to me its showing all the signs of being amino spiked and does not contain the amount of protein the brand is suggesting it does.
. The addition of the non-essential amino acids and essential amino acid amounts = 26g, not 32g
. The addition of glycine and alanine (two common ingredients companies use to increase nitrogen content which is how protein is measured)
. The fact glycine is listed in the ingredients panel higher than the BCAA’S which indicates it’s more prominent in this product than the ingredients listed below it.
Yes. They at least give you the amino acid profile… but the biggest red flag is that leucine is only 7.6% of the total protein content (2.46g out of 32.2g). In a higher quality protein it’d be over 10%.
This is a huge red flag.
Would want this stuff to be like 40% cheaper than the next non-spiked option